Monday, February 11, 2008

Skiing with Dad

Maddy and Spencer had so much fun with Dad Skiing. Maddy had been two other times but this was Spencers first time. Maddy went all by herself on the ski lift and is doing really well.

Spencer looks like a professional skiier but has a tough time getting up on his ski's every time he falls, which seemed to be often. He however loves to ski his own way and that is straight down and with as much speed as possible!

This was Dad's first time up skiing this year. Dad had a lot of fun but was exhausted after the trip and did not do any skiing on his own. Maybe next time?

1 comment:

Athack77 said...

Wow, I'm impressed you took your kids skiing. We've talked about taking our girls but never got around to it. What a fun time! We've had so much snow this year we really should do something more than snowmen and caves with it!